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THE 633 DIFFERENCE    -   Bringing Families Together
3 Programs, One Night, One Location

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Cubscout Pack 633

for boys and girls ages 5-10.5


Cubscout Pack 633 is the home to family scouting, With weekly den meetings and amazing pack meetings that are like a party each month.  Tons of camping opportunities in every season and a scouting year full of fun and adventure for the whole family.

Pack along with our brother and sister troops 633/1633 make the 633 scouting truly unique.  Come and try something different this year.


Three programs featured on the same night to help families with children in all programs!


Shaping the Leaders of Tomorrow

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In a world where our entire days are in front of a screen or locked in a chair it's truly no place to be a young boy.  They needs hands on opportunities, experiential learning, outdoor adventure, a place truly getting their hands dirty so their mind and heart can grow during those difficult teen years.

Troop 633 scouting provides the type of program that can help aid in turning our young boys of today into faithful leaders of tomorrow.  In 2014, eight parents started Boy Scout Troop 633 where we have now celebrated our 10th year.  Our Aggressive outdoor program features 12 months of camping and offers everything from traditional scout camps, to Appalachian trail backpack trips, ice climbing, horseback riding, skiing, high adventure trips and more.... every month!


Check check us out on Facebook or at our website!

Making a Difference Today and Tomorrow


With our Boys and Younger siblings having a place to call home, our vision of Family scouting wouldn't be complete without our sisters having a place to grow in their Faith, Leadership, Confidence and Character.


For girls ages 11-17, our Girls Troop 1633 which operates as a sister troop to our Boys program. Including 12 months of camping as well as similar high adventure opportunities.  Some activities are shared between troops while others are independent.  633 scouting family has many ceremonies and other activities where families from all three programs can celebrate and enjoy together. Formed in February 2019, celebrating 5 years, the program features an aggressive but different program led by the girls providing youth leadership and a path to Eagle scout. 


Check us out on Facebook or at our website


©2023 Pack633ct

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